Rural communities busy with rice-transplanting

May 27, 2024

Rice-transplanting is in full swing on farms across the DPRK.

Different cities and counties of South Hwanghae Province, the Migok Farm of Sariwon City and the Kangan Farm of Unpha County in North Hwanghae Province and Jungsan County of South Phyongan Province were the first to start rice-transplanting on May 1 before all other farms across the country buckled down to the farming process in succession.

The Agricultural Commission arranged a technical workshop on rice-transplanting for agricultural officials across the country and organized and commanded the work to make the farms push ahead with the farming process in conformity with the specific conditions of their areas.

South Hwanghae Province, the largest agricultural province of the country, conducted a provincial demonstration and technical workshop with a view to finishing rice-transplanting qualitatively in the right season. And it has concentrated all efforts on rice-transplanting, thus transplanting rice seedlings on thousands of hectares of paddy fields every day.

Other provinces are also achieving good results in rice-transplanting every day.

Rural communities in North Phyongan Province are pushing ahead with rice-transplanting according to the schedule while ensuring the proper number of bunches per phyong (a unit of area) and the number of plants per bunch.

In Taedong County of South Phyongan Province they grew highly profitable nutrient cold-bed rice seedlings and are planting 70 percent of paddy fields with the seedlings.

The Chongsan Farm in Kangso District, Nampho City, raised the operation rate of rice-seedling transplanters with emphasis put on increasing the rooting rate of the seedlings and thus carried out daily plans without fail to qualitatively finish the work in the main areas by May 15.

The Jangchon Vegetable Farm in Sadong District, Pyongyang, also finished rice-transplanting in the main areas by May 14.


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