Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un guides production activities of major defence industrial enterprise

May 18, 2024

Great achievements have been made even in carrying out the tasks for production for national defence assigned by the Central Military Commission of the Workers’ Party of Korea, which attaches special importance to them, in the crucial period when epochal results have been achieved in the field of defence industry of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and remarkable changes are being made one after another in bolstering up its defence capabilities.

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, on May 17 visited a defence industrial enterprise, which is bringing about an upsurge in the production of major weapons and equipment, and learned about its production activities.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un highly appreciated once again the distinguished feats performed by the enterprise in bolstering up the nuclear war deterrent of the country, expressing great satisfaction at the production results it achieved in the first half of 2024 and the prospect for fulfillment of the yearly munitions production plan.

Learning about the technologies of the parts of the newly updated combat equipment, he said he was pleased with the remarkable progress made by the enterprise and it is an encouraging success for the whole field of the defence industry.

Noting that we cannot but more strictly acknowledge the necessity of bolstering up our nuclear war deterrent to cope with the security environment of the country created due to the enemies’ reckless military confrontation moves which have become more undisguised and desperately developed recently, he stressed the need to continue to accelerate important activities and production activities for more rapidly bolstering up the nuclear forces without interruption and hesitation.

He said that the enemies would grow dreadful and dare not play with fire only when they witness the nuclear combat posture of our state which is hard for them to realize, and that this just means war deterrent. He called for clearly showing the enemies the infinite capability of the DPRK developing rapidly.

He clarified the strategic tasks for discharging the important mission of the national defence field to firmly guarantee the peaceful life and safety of our people and defend the stable environment of the development of the country.

When the munitions production plan assigned by the WPK Central Military Commission as a long-term goal to be attained by 2025 is carried out, our nuclear forces will greet a very important change and occupy a remarkably raised strategic position.

He was accompanied by Pak Jong Chon, vice-chairman of the WPK Central Military Commission and secretary of the WPK Central Committee, Jo Chun Ryong, secretary of the WPK Central Committee, and Kim Jong Sik, first deputy department director of the WPK Central Committee.


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