Taking the lead in development of famous products

May 17, 2024

The products of Taedonggang Kumok Instant Rice Factory are now popular with people.

Those who savoured the instant noodles, instant rice and soup, instant rice and grain chips of the factory said that the products of the factory stimulate their appetite as they are all made with domestic materials to suit the Korean people’s taste.

It has not been long since the factory was built, but it can produce various kinds of delicious and highly nutritious foods. This is associated with the efforts of its manager Kang Chol Su.

It was on May 2019 that the employees of the factory started building it.

 At that time, Kang was determined to build a wonderful factory which can compete with others in the world in modernization level, appearance and kind and output of products. 

The construction proceeded with difficulty owing to various problems, but he invented and introduced advanced construction methods for hastening the completion of the project by pooling wisdom with workers and technicians, making it possible to finish the huge project and the assembly of food processing equipment.

Later, he continued with research for completing the methods of making new products.

He said, “It was not easy to produce instant foodstuffs with unique features as we had no experience in making them and lacked relevant technology.”

In fact, from the beginning of the construction of the factory, he studied the world trend of producing instant foods and acquired and matured the methods of processing such foods.

Thus, during a technical conference on the development of new products in January last year, he could propose definite methods of developing them to the participants who were unable to propose any measure because of their poor knowledge of instant foods. 

He called on them to make such foods to suit the Korean people’s taste instead of imitating the imported.

And he suggested they diversify the kind of the foods, including instant rice and soup and instant boiled rice with assorted mixtures, to suit the eating habit of the Koreans who like warm rice and soup and add pickled vegetables popular with the people to the instant rice.

He also explained how to make the foods retain their unique flavours, for example, how to make slices of meat for soup keep their original flavour and make them soft to chew, use locally abundant raw materials to prepare seasonings and spices with tastes of different kinds of meat and increase the storage stability of them. 

His extensive knowledge and personal examples inspired the participants in the conference to conceive novel ideas.

As a result, many production indexes were confirmed and products completed one by one.

This is why employees of the factory call him a possessor of extensive knowledge and an official of ability who leads the development of famous products.

Now, the factory produces various kinds of instant foods in keeping with the world trend of instant food development directed toward making functional, green and diverse ones.

The products of the factory were popular in the light industrial goods exhibition “Development of Light Industry-2023” and instant noodles were awarded a gold medal and diploma.

Kang has made a great contribution to the development of the country’s foodstuff industry for over 40 years since his prime of life, and he is still working for the promotion of the people’s wellbeing with fervent zeal for work.


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