Brief history of the late Kim Ki Nam

May 8, 2024

Kim Ki Nam was born into a stevedore's family in Wonsan, Kangwon Province, on August 28 1929.

After the liberation of Korea, he grew up to be an able revolutionary talent in the embrace of the Workers’ Party of Korea and the leader and devoted his all to the steady advance and bright future of the Juche revolution and the prosperity of the country as he worked for a long time at the important posts of the WPK Central Committee.

From his early years, he loved the country and people infinitely. An enterprising and academic man, he made a great contribution to the education of rising generations, while working as a lecturer and faculty dean at Kim Il Sung University from 1951, after finishing the course at a national cadre training base and the course of study abroad in the period of building a new Korea.

With a high degree of political insight, staunch revolutionary principle, profound knowledge and noble traits, he worked at the Party Central Committee from his early twenties. From 1960, while holding in succession the posts of deputy director of the Science and Education Department of the WPK Central Committee and deputy editor of Kukje Saenghwal of the Party Central Committee, he performed great services in the theoretical information work for applying the Party’s policies on science and culture, rejecting revisionism and “Left” opportunism that emerged in the international communist movement and defending independence.

From 1970, while working as the deputy editor-in-chief and editor-in-chief of Kulloja and editor-in-chief of Rodong Sinmun, he fought devotedly to defend the revolutionary ideas of the Party and realize its unified leadership in the 1970s, the period of succession to its leadership.

Working as the director of the Information Department from 1985, and as secretary of the department and director of the Party History Institute afterwards, he conducted energetic activities for the strengthening and development of the Party, for the modelling of the revolutionary ranks on a single idea and for the victorious advance of the socialist cause. During the Arduous March and forced march, when the country experienced severe trials, he rallied all the people more firmly around Chairman Kim Jong Il and made a distinguished contribution to defending the country, the revolution and socialism and firmly guaranteeing the pure succession of the revolutionary cause of Juche on the strength of ideology.

He took the important posts of the secretary and director of the Information and Publicity Department of the WPK Central Committee in 2010 and adviser to the WPK Central Committee afterwards and supported the ideas and leadership of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un with boundless devotion and pure conscience as befitting the leading cadre of the WPK and elder revolutionary veteran who grew up under the care of the peerlessly great men in the great new era of the Juche revolution.

He worked as a candidate member of the Central Committee of the WPK from October 1976, later as a member of the WPK Central Committee, as a member of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee from September 2010 and as a member of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK from June 2016, and was elected as deputy to the Sixth to the 14th Supreme People's Assembly.

He was awarded Order of Kim Il Sung and Order of Kim Jong Il, the top orders of the DPRK, watches bearing the names of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il, the title of Labour Hero and other high-level Party and state commendations for his feats performed for the Party, the revolution, the country and the people.

He regretfully died of multiple organ dysfunction at l0:00 on May 7 2024.

A revolutionary of the elder generation of our Party, he regarded absolute loyalty to the leader as his lifeblood and devoted his whole life to the revolutionary cause of Juche, the cause of communism, without a change of mind in any trials from the outset of nation building to the present.

He cherished the ideology and ideal of our Party as his immutable faith and upheld the Party and the leader most faithfully and ardently with sincere, honest, truthful and modest traits and high ability everywhere and at all times. His is a noble example of the life of genuine loyalists and revolutionaries.

Though he passed away, his transparent revolutionary spirit and precious fighting exploits will remain forever in the memory of our Party and people.


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