National industrial design exhibition opens

April 12, 2024

A national industrial design exhibition for celebrating April 15, the birthday of President Kim Il Sung, opened with due ceremony at the Industrial Design Exhibition House of the Central Industrial Design Bureau on April 10.

Seen at the venue of the exhibition are photos of the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un giving field guidance in various sectors of the national economy.

On display at the exhibition are more than 230 industrial designs personally guided by the General Secretary.

Also seen there are more than 670 industrial designs, models and products created by experts and fans.

Present at the ceremony were Kim Myong Hun, vice-premier of the Cabinet, Ri Chung Gil, chairman of the State Commission of Science and Technology, An Kyong Gun, minister of Machine-building Industry, officials concerned and officials and creators in the field of industrial design.

The vice-premier made an opening address. 


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