Russian representative denounces West’s history distortion

February 28, 2024

The Russian permanent representative to the UN disclosed and denounced the West’s base acts of history distortion related to the Ukrainian crisis at a meeting of the UN General Assembly on February 23.

Pure truth is very disadvantageous for the Western fellows, he said, adding that when the truth is known, they will be compelled to accept the blame for having sparked off the Ukrainian crisis, egged the country on to prepare for a war with Russia for years and trained nationalists and neo-Nazis there. 

The spread of rumour that Russia is an aggressor and Ukraine is an innocent victim by turning black into white is in the interests of Western countries, he said.

He exposed that Ukrainian President Zelensky drove many people to a war of destruction only to be killed and derided that he is a man devoid of strategic thinking if he believes that he can defeat Russia in the battlefield by relying on the West.

Though the West is craftily trying to involve most of the countries over the world in their plot in Ukraine, the main loser in this dispute is the European Union, he asserted.


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