Chairman Kim Jong Il remembered in Russia

February 28, 2024

The Maritime Territorial and Amur Regional branch committees of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Central Committee of the All-Russia Lenin Young Communist League, the Sevastopol City Committee of the Lenin Young Communist League of the Russian Federation, the Association for the Study of the Juche Idea in Tynda City, a stamp company and other political parties, organizations and institutions of Russia held seminars, meetings, stamp exhibitions and other events from February 10 to 18 to mark the 82nd anniversary of the birth of Chairman Kim Jong Il.

Speeches were made at the events attended by personages of the relevant units and other people.

The first secretary of the Maritime Territorial Branch Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation said that the great Comrade Kim Jong Il devoted his whole life to the country's prosperity and development and people's happiness, stressing that all his life dedicated to the country and people will be deeply kept in the hearts of the Korean people.

The first secretary of the Amur Regional Branch Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation said that Comrade Kim Jong Il, distinguished leader of the world socialist movement, foiled the obstructive moves of the imperialist allied forces with his treasured sword of Songun to champion the cause of socialism and laid the foundations for building a powerful country.

Personages from the Central Committee of the All-Russia Lenin Young Communist League and the Sevastopol City Committee of the Lenin Young Communist League of the Russian Federation praised Kim Jong Il as the great leader of the DPRK, champion of socialism, elder statesman for the century and prominent activist of the international communist movement.

The chairperson of the Association for the Study of the Juche Idea in Tynda City said that the Workers' Party of Korea has been further developed and effective steps taken to build up the country's military muscle under the distinguished leadership of Comrade Kim Jong Un, pointing out that the world’s progressives express support to and approval for the self-defensive steps taken by the DPRK to tackle the complex international political situation.

Congratulatory messages to General Secretary Kim Jong Un were adopted at the events. 


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