Kim Jong Il’s birth anniversary celebrated in China by families related to anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle

February 12, 2024

A meeting of families related to the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle took place at the DPRK embassy in Beijing, China, on February 7 to celebrate the 82nd anniversary of the birth of Chairman Kim Jong Il.

Present there were families related to the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle, the DPRK ambassador to China and his embassy staff members.

The participants laid a basket of flowers and bouquets before the portraits of smiling President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il and paid tribute to them.

Speeches were made there.

Families of Zhang Weihua, Zhou Baozhong, Feng Zhongyun and Li Zade said that Kim Jong Il developed the Workers' Party of Korea into an ever-victorious iron-willed party and an invincible revolutionary party enjoying absolute support and trust of the people and trained the Korean people into an independent people with transparent revolutionary faith and will. They noted that he regarded it as his lifetime motto to believe in the people as in Heaven, led the socialist cause of Juche to victory and devoted his all to implementing the instructions of Kim Il Sung.

The great exploits of Kim Jong Il and the warm love he showed for the families related to the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle will live in the minds of younger generations, they said, noting that not only the Korean people but also the world’s progressives boundlessly revere the peerlessly great man.

The revolutionary friendship forged by President Kim Il Sung with their parents is being given steady continuity by General Secretary Kim Jong Un after Chairman Kim Jong Il, they added. 


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