Sunday, September 8, 2024Latest News

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un guides consultative meeting for regional development project

The noble sense of mission, far-reaching ideals and stubborn practical abilities of the Workers’ Party of Korea, which regards it as its main duty to orient everything in its revolutionary guidance to absolutely defending the people’s rights and interests and steadily develop in depth the policy for their well-being, strongly promote the comprehensive prosperity and development of our state, unfolding in succession the blueprints of transformation most desired and welcomed by the people. 

At a time when the modern rural housing construction is in full swing to remove the countryside’s centuries-old backwardness on a nationwide scale and a ten-year revolution was launched in real earnest to rebuild the regional economy on a completely new and advanced basis under the WPK’s grand regional development strategy, the Party Central Committee made another crucial decision and entered into making preparations for adopting an eventful policy-oriented decision on carrying out the historic task of successfully and simultaneously building advanced public health facilities, sci-tech dissemination bases and grain management facilities in cities and counties across the country. 

On August 31, General Secretary Kim Jong Un convened and guided a consultative meeting for regional development project as part of the preparations for adopting as Party policy a new important decision to hasten the epochal development and comprehensive rejuvenation of regions. 

Present at the meeting were Presidium members Kim Tok Hun and Jo Yong Won and other relevant members of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee, chief secretaries of the provincial Party committees, commanding officers of the services and corps of the Korean People’s Army which dispatched their units to the regional construction in different areas, and officials in the design sector. 

After making a deep analysis of the significance and importance of the construction of public health facilities, sci-tech dissemination bases and grain management facilities in cities and counties, which is a more essential requirement in accelerating the development of the Korean revolution and the historic cause of regional rejuvenation at present, Kim Jong Un said:

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un receives congratulations from diplomatic corps and military attaches corps in Pyongyang

September 7, 2024

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un received flower baskets and congratulatory letters from the diplomatic corps and the military attaches corps in Pyongyang on the occasion of the 76th birthday of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

The Russian ambassador, doyen of the diplomatic corps, and the Vietnamese ambassador and the military attache of the Cuban embassy, doyen of the military attaches corps, handed over the flower baskets and congratulatory letters to officials concerned on September 5.

Kim Jong Un also received a flower basket and a congratulatory letter from the Vietnamese ambassador and a flower basket from the Brazilian embassy in Pyongyang. 

Congratulatory group of Koreans in Japan pays homage to DPRK great leaders

September 7, 2024

The congratulatory group of Koreans in Japan for celebrating the 76th anniversary of the founding of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea visited the statues of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il on Mansu Hill in Pyongyang on September 5 to pay homage to them.

Members of the congratulatory group laid bouquets before the statues of the President and the Chairman who formed the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan, Juche-oriented overseas compatriots’ organization, and made immortal contributions to the development of the movement of Koreans in Japan with outstanding ideas and energetic leadership.

Working people's organizations hold celebration meetings

September 7, 2024

Meetings of working people's organizations took place on September 5 to celebrate the 76th founding anniversary of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

A meeting of workers and members of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea (GFTUK) was held at the Pyongyang Electric Cable General Factory 326 and a meeting of agricultural workers and members of the Union of Agricultural Workers of Korea (UAWK) at the Jongbaek Vegetable Farm in Rangnang District of Pyongyang.

Pak In Chol, chairman of the GFTUK Central Committee, and Han Jong Hyok, chairman of the UAWK Central Committee, made reports at the meetings to be followed by speeches.

Stamp exhibition begins to mark DPRK founding anniversary

September 7, 2024

A stamp exhibition celebrating the 76th DPRK birthday, "Powerful Socialist Country Prospering Forever", began at the Korean Stamps Museum in Pyongyang on September 5.

Stamps carrying photos of President Kim Il Sung, Chairman Kim Jong Il and the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un are on display at the exhibition venue.

Those stamps remind visitors of the sacred revolutionary history of the President who built an invincible socialist state, independent in politics, self-supporting in the economy and self-reliant in national defence, on this land and laid a solid foundation for prosperity under the banner of Juche.

National fine art exhibition opens

September 7, 2024

A national fine art exhibition in celebration of the 76th DPRK birthday opened with due ceremony at the Korean National Art Museum on September 5.

On display there are more than 30 art pieces dealing with the immortal exploits of President Kim Il Sung, Chairman Kim Jong Il and the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.

Also seen there are artworks of diverse themes and forms showing the praiseworthy reality of the country where the people's desire and ideal are being realized under the leadership of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, and the struggle of the DPRK people who are devoting themselves to the prosperity and development of the country with confidence in the more prosperous future.

University students hold oratorical meeting

September 7, 2024

An oratorical meeting of university students, "Patriotism and young students", took place at the Pyongyang Municipal Youth Park Open-Air Theatre on September 5 to mark the 76th founding anniversary of the DPRK.

The performers expressed their great pride and honour of glorifying the youth under the care of the respected fatherly Marshal Kim Jong Un who is training young people into reliable successors to the revolution and pillars of socialist construction.

The enthusiastic oratories showed well the spiritual world of passionate young people who will bring earlier the future of a prosperous and powerful country on the strength of loyalty and patriotism, cherishing deep the loving care and trust of the great Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea and believing in and following it only.

Farmers move into new houses at Songhang Farm

September 7, 2024

The Songhang Farm in Kyonghung County, North Hamgyong Province of the DPRK was filled with joy of its agricultural workers enjoying modern new life and civilization under the policy of the Workers' Party of Korea.

Cosy and modern houses for hundreds of families, built at the sunny foot of a mountain, add to the beauty of the daily-changing socialist countryside.

Present at the ceremony for moving into those new houses were Kim Jong Sop, secretary of the North Hamgyong Provincial Committee of the WPK, and officials and builders and agricultural workers in the county.

Flood victims visit museums in Pyongyang

September 7, 2024

People from flood-hit areas visited the Korean Revolution Museum and the Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum while staying in Pyongyang.

At the Korean Revolution Museum, an immense edifice for education in revolutionary traditions, they looked round various rooms comprehensively dealing with the revolutionary history and exploits of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il according to the periods and contents.

At its "Hall of Revolutionary Comrades-in-Arms", they hardened their will to become patriotic citizens contributing to national prosperity, bearing in mind the truth that the glory of life lies in sincerely supporting and following the leader to the last.

Congratulatory group of Koreans in Japan arrives in Pyongyang

September 7, 2024

A congratulatory group of Koreans in Japan for celebrating the 76th anniversary of the DPRK headed by Ko Tok U, chairman of the headquarters in Tokyo of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan, arrived in Pyongyang on September 5.

It was greeted at Pyongyang International Airport by Kim Ho Chol, vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the Supreme People's Assembly, Hong Kyong Sik, director of the Overseas Koreans’ Affairs Administration, and officials concerned.

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