Monday, October 14, 2024Latest News

Officials Should Become Communist Revolutionaries Who Are Possessed of the Party’s Original Ideals and Spirit as Their Mental Qualities

Discourse given by the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un to Rodong Sinmun, organ of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, on October 10 2024

Today, when we are making a vigorous advance to confidently open a new golden age of strengthening the Workers’ Party of Korea and an era of achieving the comprehensive rejuvenation of the state, we are greeting the 79th founding anniversary of the WPK, the great guide of the Juche revolution.

The more closely we look back upon the protracted and glorious road of struggle it has followed, the more proud we feel of the greatness of our Party that has written the longest ruling history of socialism together with the Korean revolution, the Korean people and this country and the more precious we feel the unprecedented history of its founding and exploits pioneered and achieved by the forerunners in the revolution.

Greeting the meaningful anniversary of Party founding, I pay the immortal glory and noble tribute to the revolutionaries of the first generation of the WPK, who wonderfully achieved the historic cause of giving birth to the militant General Staff of the revolution in the arduous and complicated struggle.

I also extend warm greetings to the members of the WPK and all other people across the country, who are working with devotion to implement the struggle programme of the Party, supporting it single-heartedly with absolute trust in it and unshakable belief in the victory of the revolution even in the face of all manner of trials and difficulties. 

Press statement of Kim Yo Jong, deputy department director of WPK Central Committee

October 13, 2024

Kim Yo Jong, deputy department director of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, released the following press statement titled "ROK military will find it hard to evade its responsibility as the main culprit or accomplice in the grave infringement on DPRK sovereignty" on October 12:

The most childish Republic of Korea which is utterly ignorant is resorting to a stereotyped method to suit the nature with which it was born in order to evade the responsibility for the recent drone intrusion case. 

As soon as the Foreign Ministry of the DPRK issued a crucial statement, military gangsters of the ROK were busy trying to evade the responsibility while making a shameless and childish excuse, saying that they did not do it and have not yet grasped the situation and the military did not send drones to the north and should confirm whether non-governmental organizations sent drones.

Birthday spread sent to woman centenarian

October 13, 2024

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un sent a birthday spread to Ju Ok Gum, a woman centenarian living in neighbourhood unit No. 104 of Yongnam Workers' District, Kilju County, North Hamgyong Province.

Officials of the organ of the Workers’ Party of Korea and power organ of the county, villagers and relatives visited Ju's house to congratulate her.

She brought up many children to work at the posts for national defence and socialist construction. She is respected by the people as she helps her family members work hard to carry out their revolutionary tasks. 

Socialist rural civilization flourishes

October 13, 2024

A new history of changes is being written in rural villages across the DPRK.

News is being announced almost every day that smart dwelling houses of various styles have been built in rural villages across the country including flat, mountainous and coastal areas, and ordinary agricultural workers have become their owners.

Socialist rural communities are undergoing a radical change with modern, cultured and diversified houses built to suit the natural and geographical conditions and residents’ convenience, and beautiful landscapes peculiar to rural villages laid out with good species of trees and flowering shrubs.

Thriving vegetable farm

October 13, 2024

Along the axis of a broad avenue there stand cosy dwelling houses decorated in different colours as if a brilliant rainbow has come down on the land, together with the Jangchon Health Complex with various shapes and features of buildings giving fairy-tale-like feelings, ri hospital, nursery, kindergarten, sports park, fish breeding ground, other public buildings and neat vegetable greenhouses.

This is the Jangchon Vegetable Farm in Sadong District, Pyongyang.

According to manager Hwang Jong Nam, it was called “Jangchon” in the meaning that a spring of longevity is situated in the village since ancient times. But as its land is covered with red mud, it was called “Pultongchon” unfit for farming and abandoned. But, today, it has become a thriving village thanks to the benefits of the country.

Intellectual property development exhibition closes

October 13, 2024

The Intellectual Property Development Exhibition-2024 closed in the DPRK.

On display at the exhibition were more than 2 600 invention certificates, patents, trademarks, industrial design rights, copyrights and others of substantial significance in developing the economy, science and technology and culture.

There were exchanges of excellent successes and experience gained in the efforts to usher in a new era of overall development of socialism during the exhibition.

Russian ambassador to DPRK hosts reception

October 13, 2024

The Russian ambassador to the DPRK hosted a reception at the Taedonggang Diplomatic Club in Pyongyang on October 11 on the occasion of the 76th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the DPRK and Russia.

Present there at invitation were Choe Son Hui, foreign minister of the DPRK, and officials concerned.

Staff members of the Russian embassy were on hand.

Crucial Statement of DPRK Foreign Ministry

October 12, 2024

The Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on October 11 issued the following crucial statement "The trigger for defending sovereignty and security will be pulled without hesitation":

The ROK is crossing the red line in its provocation against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

The most hostile and malicious rogue state, the ROK committed such a grave political and military provocation as infiltrating drones into Pyongyang, the capital city of the DPRK.

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un receives greetings from Russian party leader

October 12, 2024

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, received a message of greeting from G. Zhuganov, chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, on October 10.

In the message, the chairman extended sincere congratulations to the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, all the members of the WPK and all the people of the DPRK on the occasion of the 79th founding anniversary of the WPK.

In the difficult years, the Workers’ Party of Korea united the nation with the socialist idea, advanced new prospects and directions of activities for the people and served as a force instilling hope for a just and happy new future of an independent and sovereign state, the message said, and went on:

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un receives greetings from Palestinian president

October 12, 2024

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and supreme commander of the armed forces of the DPRK, received a message of greeting from Mahmoud Abbas, president of the State of Palestine and chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, on October 10.

The message said:

Please accept my respects.

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