Sunday, July 7, 2024Latest News

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un inspects major industrial establishments

The news of the Enlarged Meeting of the Tenth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea is hardening the faith of all the Party members and other people in sure victory in the cause of building a powerful socialist country while instilling into them the firm conviction in the highly-civilized and prosperous future.

As soon as the enlarged plenary meeting was over, Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, together with members of the central leadership body of the Party, went to major industrial establishments with an intention to bring about a fresh upsurge in the development of the national economy and make the overall socialist construction seethe with creation and changes.

He visited a defence industrial enterprise, which plays a key role in bolstering up the country’s defence capabilities, on July 2.

The enterprise, under his energetic guidance, has been turned into a model and standard one in the country’s industrial architecture and establishment of a cultured way of production and life such as modernization of production lines and landscaping. It is now striving to attain the munitions production goal for this year in the high spirits as was displayed to overfulfill its production plan for the first half of the year.

Kim Jong Un went round the room dedicated to the education with revolutionary relics at the enterprise.

Floral tribute paid to great leaders of DPRK

July 6, 2024

Flower baskets in the name of the UN resident coordinator office and the missions of UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA, FAO, WFP and WHO in Pyongyang were laid at the statues of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il on Mansu Hill on July 4 on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the demise of the President. 

Meeting held to tell stories about President Kim Il Sung's great virtues

July 6, 2024

Workers and members of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea (GFTUK) met at the Central Hall of Workers in Pyongyang on July 4 to tell stories about the great virtues of President Kim Il Sung on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of his demise.

At the meeting, the performers told about the noble personality of the President as a great man who showed the workers warm loving care during his continued field guidance for the people, regarding it as his motto to believe in the people as in Heaven.

The President visited the then Kangson Steel Works instead of his beloved old home after the liberation of the country, and from that day he devoted himself to the development of the country's metallurgical industry, they said, telling about the affection of the tender-hearted father who put forward the workers as the masters of the factory and the country and showed loving care for them.

DPRK women commemorate anniversary of demise of President Kim Il Sung

July 6, 2024

Officials and members of the Socialist Women's Union of Korea held a meeting at the Hall of Women in Pyongyang on July 4 to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the demise of President Kim Il Sung.

At the meeting the speakers, in reflection of ardent yearning and boundless reverence for the President, told about his immortal exploits and whole life dedicated to the Workers’ Party of Korea and the revolution, the country and the people.

They said that the life of the President was that of the benevolent father of the people as he made tireless devotion and efforts for the people's happiness, regarding it as his motto to believe in the people as in Heaven.

House moving at farms in North Hwanghae Province

July 6, 2024

Ceremonies for moving into new houses took place at the Sanbuk Farm in Suan County and the Munyang Farm in Koksan County, North Hwanghae Province.

Present at the ceremonies were Mun Chang Il, secretary of the North Hwanghae Provincial Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, Choe Kwang Chol, vice-chairman of the provincial people's committee, officials of the Party and power organs in Suan and Koksan counties, builders and agricultural workers.

Congratulatory addresses were made. Then licences for the use of houses were handed over and oath-taking speeches made.

National sci-tech presentation in hydro-meteorology and marine science held

July 6, 2024

A national sci-tech presentation in the field of hydro-meteorology and marine science took place at the State Hydro-Meteorological Administration of the DPRK from July 2 to 4. 

Presented to the event, divided into sections of meteorology, hydrology, ocean and observation instrument, were valuable papers on raising the promptness, correctness, scientific accuracy and modernization of meteorological, hydrological and marine observation and forecast.

There were lectures on the automatic meteorological observer for agriculture and the system of checking similarity of weather chart using artificial intelligence technology. 

Vietnamese delegation leaves Pyongyang

July 6, 2024

The delegation of the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam headed by Director of the Foreign Relations Department Dang Xuan Hong left Pyongyang for home by air on July 4. 

Patriotic movement

July 6, 2024

Patriotic movements gain momentum in the DPRK under the slogan “Unite on the strength of patriotism!” set forth by the Workers’ Party of Korea. 

The Korean people have a long-standing tradition of conducting patriotic movements.

The general ideological mobilization movement for nation building, the emulation drive for increased production, the anti-illiteracy campaign and the patriotic movement for donating rice were conducted just after Korea’s liberation from Japanese military rule, the movement of donating rice for the front during the Fatherland Liberation War and the Chollima movement which worked the miracles of heroic Korea on the ruins after the war. These widespread campaigns inspired amazing patriotic feelings among the Korean people.

China, Russia conduct joint exercise against terrorism

July 6, 2024

On July 2, the People’s Network of China reported that China and Russia conducted a joint anti-terrorist exercise.

In the drill staged in the water area near the Heilongjiang bridge in China, both sides practised the method of sieging and arresting terrorists in the areas in their charge as they took measures for air reconnaissance and ambush by the riverside to cope with terrorists’ attempt to cross the border and commit crimes.

Meanwhile, the two countries reportedly made exchanges over the matter of continuing to promote cooperation in guarding borders.

Belarus President condemns West’s sanctions

July 6, 2024

Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko decried West’s sanctions in a celebratory meeting of national day on July 3.

Though the West did everything to boycott the commodities of Belarus and bring its businesses to ruin, Belarus overcame their moves and opened up a new road to the Orient, he said, adding that it has secure a firm position in the Eurasian Economic Union, Commonwealth of Independent States and collective security treaty organization.

He derided that the West should have known previously that their coercive sanctions policy would make Belarus more powerful. 

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