Social benefits enjoyed by families with many children

September 26, 2024

The DPRK has set it as an important issue related to the country’s prosperity to bring up many children and provides huge social benefits to prolific mothers.

Increasing social benefits 

Since a few years ago, the DPRK has issued a treatment card for prolific mother. 

It registers a family with more than three children including those by blood or adopted ones as a family with many children and gives such families preferential treatment in many fields of life including education and public health service.

Children of those families have a preferential right to be recommended for vocational schools, and their mothers receive a special subsidy newly set by the state before their youngest children finish senior middle school.

And the state’s benefits are provided to a woman who gave birth to more than three children, irrespective service term, and the one who gave birth to two children in case her service term lasted for over 15 years. 

Free from worries, inconvenience 

Choe Un Gyong is a mother of six children who lives in neighbourhood unit No. 27 in Kumnung-dong No. 2, Hwasong District.

Before moving into a new house on Rimhung Street, which was splendidly built as a street with modern houses, her family lived in Taedonggang District.

Although they had lived without inconvenience in a house consisting of sunny living rooms, a kitchen, warehouse and other rooms, the country preferentially allocated to the family a three-room house on Rimhung Street. 

“Our family with many children have great blessings,” she said to her children on the day she received a licence for the use of the house. 

According to an official of the district people’s committee, there are hundreds of families with many children on the street alone, including Kumnung-dong No. 2 and Hwawon-dong No. 1.

According to a state measure, the dwelling houses built every year in Pyongyang are allocated preferentially to the families with many children.

Such benefits are not limited to the capital city.

Kim Su Hyang, mother of five children living in Hacha-dong in the city of Phyongsong, said that she and her children are receiving medical services on a priority basis at hospitals at all levels.

She said that she had enjoyed the special honour of taking part in the Fifth National Conference of Mothers and had a photo taken with the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.

Ho Un Gyong, a woman living in Ohang-dong, Sunam District, Chongjin, North Hamgyong Province, said that she gave birth to three children and the country provided them with school uniforms and other school things and discovered and nurtured their talents, adding that women with many children are very happy under the socialist system of the country.


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