In days of devoted service for the good of people

September 25, 2024

Most important policy

One day in December 2014, General Secretary Kim Jong Un visited the Pyongyang Children’s Foodstuff Factory and learnt about its production and business activities as he looked round different places of the factory.

After a while, he said that to produce and supply children’s foodstuffs is the policy of the Workers’ Party of Korea that should be implemented preferentially without fail, and that there are many Party policies, of which it is the most important one to ensure the production of children’s foodstuffs before anything else. 

Chairman Kim Jong Il saw that the factory continued production uninterruptedly by supplying raw materials to it continuously even in the period of the Arduous March, a hard time for the Korean people, and took a benevolent measure for the supply of raw materials, with the result that all institutions of learning rang with happy laughter of the children, he recalled with deep emotion.

Then he said that though the country is faced with many problems, nothing is more important than to produce and supply children’s foodstuffs, stressing that he would make no concessions on the production of children’s foodstuffs. 

Most pleased

One day in November 2017, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un inspected the newly-built Sunchon Catfish Farm.

In the feed processing ground, he looked round the production facilities made by technicians and workers in South Phyongan Province with satisfaction and asked a farm official about the capacities of those facilities.

After hearing his answer, he expressed great satisfaction and said that he was most pleased to see domestically made facilities. He heard most of the facilities installed at the farm were made by factories and enterprises in the province by their own efforts, he said, adding that we must make not only raw and other materials but also all facilities with our own efforts and technologies and that self-reliance and self-sufficiency were the best.

Our way to live

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un visited the Wonsan Leather Shoes Factory one day in December 2018.

At that time, he dropped in at the products exhibition room and saw women’s fur leather shoes. Underlining the need to domestically produce raw and other materials, he said that the industry dependent on others is an industry which would go bankrupt without them. 

Self-reliance and self-development are the only way for us to live and we must live by our own effort even if others do not give us, he said, stressing the need to develop the national economy on the principle of strengthening its independence. 


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